Zoom Information
Please make note of which Registered Dietitian you are scheduled to see before entering in the Zoom information.
After you join, you may be placed in a waiting room until your dietitian admits you to the meeting.
For Lynn Farmer
Or use the following information:
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8042850296?pwd=aTR2RTJXaVVDMnJ5bU9rS2xudFB6dz09
Meeting ID: 804 285 0296 and Password: 5YmnMZ
For Tamara Smart
Or use the following information:
Meeting Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8750851799?pwd=bEpCWHFoTUZ3SndFazNzaXN1QlVTUT09
Meeting ID: 875 085 1799 and Password: 246886
For Denise Lundy
Or use the following information:
Meeting Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7494419706?pwd=WlFPcGxWcnlueGdUUEZRdkljYVJ2QT09
Meeting ID: 749 441 9706 and Password: ka5E0E
For Diana Bruen
Or use the following information:
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5271696189?pwd=UlY0VTh5T1kwVndpVU84bEEwMXA0dz09
Meeting ID: 527 169 6189 and Password: Kidneys
For Wesley Smith
Or use the following information:
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/6572116836?pwd=dlFLVDFieGhSazZLK0JjR0dDbDdNUT09
Meeting ID: 657 211 6836 Passcode: 9aLQSt